MTS Component Requirements

An MTS component is a type of COM component that executes in the MTS run-time environment. In addition to the COM requirements, MTS requires that the component must be a dynamic-link library (DLL). Components that are implemented as executable files (.exe files) cannot execute in the MTS run-time environment. For example, if you build a Remote Automation server executable file with Microsoft Visual BasicÒ, you must rebuild it as a DLL.

Additional Requirements for Visual C++ Components

Development tools such as Visual Basic and the ActiveXÖ Template Library, which is available with Microsoft Visual C++Ò, allow you to generate interfaces that COM can marshal automatically. These interfaces, known as dual interfaces, are derived from IDispatch and use the built-in Automation marshaling support.

Registering MTS Components

You manage MTS components by using the MTS Explorer. Before a component can run with context in the MTS run-time environment, you must use the MTS Explorer to define the component in the MTS catalog. In addition to keeping track of a component's basic COM attributes, such as the name of the implementation DLL, the MTS catalog maintains a set of MTSûspecific attributes. MTS uses these attributes to provide capabilities in addition to those provided by COM. For example, the transaction attribute controls the transactional characteristics of a component.

The MTS Explorer assigns components to a package that controls the assignment of components to server processes and control client access to components.

Note MTS allows only a single server process associated with a given package to run on a computer at a time. MTS writes a warning event message to the log if you attempt to start a second instance of an already active package. However, COM does not explicitly disallow multiple servers running the same COM classes. MTS writes a warning message to the log in the event that two threads try to start the package at the same time. This event is especially likely on a symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) computer where the two package invocations are concurrent. In these cases, MTS enforces a rule of one server process for each package by terminating one of the extra packages. COM then connects to the one server process still running and successfully returns.

Running COM Components Under MTS

Exercise caution when registering a standard COM component (one developed without regard to MTS) to execute under MTS control.

First, ensure that references are safely passed between contexts (see Passing Object References).

Second, if the component uses other components, consider running them under MTS. Rewrite the code for creating objects in these components to use CreateInstance (see Creating MTS Objects).

Third, you can effectively use automatic transactions only with components that indicate the completion of their work by calling either the SetComplete or SetAbort methods. If a component does not use these methods, an automatic transaction can only be completed when the client releases the object. MTS will attempt to commit the transaction, but there is no way for the client to determine whether the transaction has been committed or aborted. Therefore, it is recommended that you do not register components as Requires a transaction or Requires a new transaction unless they use SetComplete and SetAbort.

Including Multiple Components in DLLs

You can implement multiple components in the same DLL. The MTS Explorer allows components from the same DLL to be installed in separate packages.

Including Type Libraries and Proxy-Stub DLLs in MTS Components

Development tools supporting ActiveX components can merge your type library or proxy-stub DLL with your implementation DLL. If you do not want to distribute your implementation DLL to client computers, keep your type libraries and proxy-stub DLLs separate from your implementation DLLs. The client only needs a type library or custom proxy-stub DLL to use your server application remotely.

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