MTS Packages Collection

As the top-level collection managed by the MTS Explorer, the Packages collection contains the packages installed on the local machine running MTS. Packages contain a set of components that run in the same server process, and define declarative security constructs that determine access to components at run time. The Packages collection supports the Add method and Remove method on the CatalogCollection object. In addition, the GetUtilInterface method of this collection returns a PackageUtil object which can be used to install and export packages.

The following table provides a list of the properties supported by the CatalogObject objects within the Packages collection.

Property Description
Name of the package.
Data Type: String
Default value: ôNew packageö
Access: Read/Write
A universally unique identifier (UUID) for the package.
Data Type: String
Default value: A unique identifier is generated
Access: Read/Write when using the Add method. Read-only
after using the Add method.
Describes the package. Description fields hold a maximum of 500 characters.
Data Type: String
Default value: None
Access: Read/Write
Identifies an MTS system package. ôNö signifies that the package is not a Transaction Server system package, and ôYö indicates that package is an MTS system package.
Data Type: String
Default value: ôNö
Access: Read only
Sets authentication level for calls. Possible values are 0 through 6, which correspond to the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) authentication settings.
Data Type: Long
Default value: 4
Access: Read/Write
Sets the delay before shutting down a server process after it becomes idle. Shutdown latency ranges from 0 to 1440 minutes.
Data Type: Long
Default value: 3
Access: Read/Write
Enables a server process to continue if a package is idle. If value is set to ôYö, the server process will not shut down when left idle. If set to ôNö, the process will shut down according the value set by the ShutDownAfter property.
Data Type: String
Default value: ôNö
Access: Read/Write
Checks the security credentials of any client that calls the package if value is set to ôY.ö
Data Type: String
Default value: ôNö
Access: Read/Write
Sets the server process identity for the package. Specify a valid Windows NT user account or "Interactive User" to have the package assume the identity of the current logged-on user.
Data Type: String
Default value: ôInteractive Userö
Access: Read/Write
Sets the password used by the server process to log on under the identity above.
Data Type: String
Default value: None
Access: Write only
Sets the package level activation property to either ôLocalö or ôInprocö. The Local setting determines that objects within the package will run within a dedicated local server process. A package running under the Local activation setting is a ôserver packageö. The Inproc activation setting means objects run in their creatorÆs process. A package running under the Inproc activation setting is a ôlibrary packageö

Data Type: String

Default Value: ôLocalö

Access: Read/Write

Sets whether changes to the package settings, or those of its components, are allowed (either programmatically, or through the MTS UI).
Data Type: String

Default Value: Y

Access: Read/Write

Sets whether the package or its components can be deleted (either programmatically, or through the MTS UI).

Data Type: String

Default Value: ôYö

Access: Read/Write

Informational string to describe the package creator.

Data Type: String

Default Value: Empty string

Access: Read/Write

See Also

ComponentsInPackage, RolesInPackage, RelatedCollectionInfo, PropertyInfo, ErrorInfo

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