What's New in MTS

Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS) version 2.0 contains many new features that facilitate deploying robust and scalable Internet and intranet applications. This section provides a summaries of new features in MTS.

Complete integration with Internet Information Server (IIS) version 4.0

MTS 2.0 is tightly integrated with IIS 4.0, creating the best platform for business applications on the Web. New features from the integration of MTS and IIS include:

Support for the XA transaction protocol, including native support for Oracle

Desktop Operating System Support

MTS 2.0 can be used with both the Windows NT version 4.0 and Windows 95 operating systems. MTS support for MicrosoftÆs desktop operating systems enables businesses to deploy stand-alone versions of their MTS applications.

Microsoft Cluster Server Support

MTS 2.0 supports Microsoft Cluster Server (MSCS), which enables automatic failover of MTS packages in a cluster. Automatic failover enables high availability for MTS applications.

Support for CICS and IMS transactions via LU 6.2 Sync Level 2

MTS 2.0 enables businesses to deploy MTS applications that support CICS and IMS transactions on MVS. MTS offers full support for beta 2 or later of Cedar, the SNA Server component that provides interoperability between MTS and CICS/MVS and IMS/MVS.

Administration Enhancements

MTS 2.0 provides administration enhancements that facilitate deploying and administering MTS packages, including:

Programming enhancements

MTS 2.0 has made it easier to build MTS applications with programming enhancements that include:

See Also

Road Map to the AdministratorÆs Guide, MTS Overview and Concepts

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