Viewing Message Properties

Message properties are displayed when you click a specific queue. You can configure MSMQ Explorer to display the following message properties in the right pane:

  • Admin Queue
  • Destination queue name len
  • Response Queue
  • Admin queue name len
  • Encrypted
  • Response queue name len
  • Arrived
  • Encryption Algorithm
  • Sender ID
  • Authenticated
  • Hash Algorithm
  • Sender ID Length
  • Body
  • Label
  • Sent
  • Class
  • Label Length
  • Size
  • Correlation
  • Message ID
  • Source Computer
  • Delivery Mode
  • Position In Queue
  • Tracked
  • Destination Queue
  • Priority

Label, Priority, Message ID, Position In Queue, and Size are displayed by default.

Note When you click a computer, the queue information in the right pane is not sorted until you click the column heading you want to sort by.

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