Increasing the Size of the MQIS

If you need to increase the size of the MQIS after you have installed MSMQ, you can do so using Microsoft SQL Enterprise Manager. Typically, you should expand both the data device and the log device. The log device should be approximately 15 percent of the size of the data device.

The data and log devices on each MSMQ controller server should be the same size. For example, if you choose to have a 75 MB data device and a 12 MB log device and your enterprise has one PEC, two PSCs, and three BSCs, then all six computers should have a 75 MB data device and a 12 MB log device.

Note The MSMQ limited version of SQL Server version 6.5 is limited to a cumulative total of 100 MB in database files. The SQL master database is 30 MB, which leaves 70 MB for a maximum MSMQ database of 60 MB (with 10 MB for the logging of MSMQ database updates).

To increase the size of the MQIS

  1. Open SQL Enterprise Manager.
  2. On the Manage menu, click Database Devices.
  3. Double-click the MQISData graph bar.
  4. If you don't see the MQISData graph bar, use the scroll bar on the right side of the window to find it.
  5. Change the Size value, and then click Change Now.
  6. Double-click the MQISLog graph bar.
  7. If you don't see the MQISLog graph bar, use the scroll bar on the right side of the window to find it.
  8. Change the Size value, and then click Change Now.
  9. Close the Manage Database Devices window.
  10. On the Manage menu, click Databases.
  11. Double-click the MQIS graph bar.
  12. If you don't see the MQIS graph bar, use the scroll bar on the right side of the window to find it.
  13. Click Expand.
  14. In Data Device, click MQISData.
  15. In Log Device, click MQISLog.
  16. Click Expand Now.

For information on using Microsoft SQL Enterprise Manager, see the Microsoft SQL Server documentation.

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