
Peeking at or retrieving a message in the queue.

For more information see peek or retrieve.


Delivery mode that guarantees message delivery even in the case of a computer crash. In this mode the message is forwarded to the next hop or stored in a local backup file every hop along its route until it is delivered.

report message

Generated each time a message passes through an MSMQ routing server.

For more information see report queue.

report queue

A queue used to track the progress of your messages as they move through your enterprise. Report queues receive MSMQ-generated report messages. Applications can only read the messages in a report queue.

For more information see report message.

response message

Application-generated message that is returned to the sending application's response queue.

For more information see response queue.

response queue

A queue used to return application-generated response messages from the application reading the messages in a queue.

For more information see Response Queues.


To read a message in a queue and remove it from the queue.

For more information see peek or read.

rich-text recipient

Users who selected the check box labeled "Send to this recipient in Microsoft Exchange rich text format" in their Exchange/MAPI address.

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