
The MQMailRecip structure describes a recipient.

typedef struct  MQMailMessageData_tag
   LPSTR      szName;               //Name of recipient.
   LPSTR      szQueueLabel;         //Label of recipient's queue.
   LPSTR      szAddress;            //Recipient address.
   LPFILETIME pftDeliveryTime;      //Used in delivery reports.
   LPSTR      szNonDeliveryReason;  //Used in non-delivery reports.
} MQMailRecip, FAR*LPMQMailRecip;


The recipient address can be an application input queue label (for MSMQ applications), a MAPI client queue label (for the MSMQ MAPI Transport Provider) or the MSMQ Exchange user mail alias plus the MSMQ Exchange Connector's queue label in the format user-mail-alias@Exchange connector-queue-label (for MSMQ Exchange Connector).

pftDeliveryTime is valid only when the recipient is in a delivery report recipient list, e.g. the pDeliveredRecips member of the MQMailDeliveryReportData structure.

szNonDeliveryReason is valid only when the recipient is in a non-delivery report recipient list, e.g. the pNonDeliveredRecips member of the MQMailNonDeliveryReportData structure.

See Also

MQMailEMail, MQMailDeliveryReportData, MQMailNonDeliveryReportData, MQMailRecipList

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