
The MQMailNonDeliveryReportData structure describes a non-delivery report message. It contains the recipients to whom the original mail was not delivered, and the original mail in the pOriginalEMail member.

The szNonDeliveryReason member of each recipient in the pNonDeliveredRecips recipient list specifies the reason why the original mail was not delivered to the recipient.

typedef struct MQMailNonDeliveryReportData_tag
   LPMQMailRecipList  pNonDeliveredRecips;  //Non-delivered recipients.
   LPMQMailEMail      pOriginalEMail;       //Original mail.
} MQMailNonDeliveryReportData, FAR * LPMQMailNonDeliveryReportData;

See Also

MQMailEMail, MQMailRecipList

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