Optional. The PROPID_Q_QUOTA property specifies the maximum size (in kilobytes) of the queue.

Type Indicator
Property Values
Size (in kilobytes) of the queue. The default is INFINITE.


The PROPID_Q_QUOTA property is typically set when calling MQCreateQueue.

When a queue's quota is reached, a negative acknowledgment is returned to the administration queue of the sending application to indicate that the queue is full. MSMQ continues to send negative acknowledgments until the cumulative size of messages in the queue drop below the queue's quota.

To find the size of a queue, pass PROPID_Q_QUOTA to MQGetQueueProperties and examine its returned value.

To change the size of a queue, pass PROPID_Q_QUOTA to MQSetQueueProperties with the new value. When the queue's quota is changed, the new quota only impacts arriving messages; it does not affect messages already in the queue.

See Also

MQCreateQueue, MQGetQueueProperties, MQSetQueueProperties

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