MSMQMailFormFieldList MSMQMailRecipientList

Read-only. The Item property provides read access to the recipients of an e-mail's recipient list (MSMQMailRecipientList) or the fields of a form's field list (MSMQMailFormFieldList).

Quick Info

Type: MSMQMailRecipient or MSMQMailFormField object.
Run time: Read-only

Syntax for Recipient List

set object3=object1.Object2.Item (IndexKey)
Syntax Element Description
object1 E-mail message (MSMQMailEMail) object that defines the e-mail message.
object2 Recipient list (MSMQMailRecipientList) object.
object3 Recipient (MSMQMailRecipient) object.
IndexKey Specifies the position in the recipient list or a specific recipient's key.

Numeric indexes range from 1 to Count.

Keys are added when the recipient is added to the list.

Syntax for Form Field List

set object4=object1.Object2.Object3.Item (IndexKey)
Syntax Element Description
object1 E-mail message (MSMQMailEMail) object that defines the e-mail message.
object2 Form data (MSMQMailFormData) object that defines the form.
object3 Form field list (MSMQMailFormFieldList) object that references the field.
object4 Form field (MSMQMailFormField) object that defines the field.
IndexKey Specifies the position in the field list or a specific field's key.

Numeric indexes range from 1 to Count.

Keys are added when the recipient is added to the list.

Return Values

MSMQMailRecipient or MSMQMailFormField object.


Item is the default property for the MSMQMailRecipientList and MSMQMailFormFieldList objects. Thus RecipientList[2] and RecipientList.Item[2] both return the second recipient in the recipient list.

Example of Recipient List

This example adds three recipients, then displays the address of the MAPI recipient using a recipient key.

To try this example using Microsoft Visual Basic (version 5.0), paste the code into the Code window of a form, and then run the example and click the form.

Dim email As New MSMQMailEMail
Dim recipient As New MSMQMailRecipient

Private Sub Form_Click()

   '* Define eimail
   'Set e-mail type to text message

   'Add Recipients.
   email.Recipients.Add "Exchange_User", "ExchangeUser@ServerInputQueueLabel", MSMQMAIL_RECIPIENT_TO
   email.Recipients.Add "MAPI_User", "MAPIUserInputQueueLabel", MSMQMAIL_RECIPIENT_CC, "MAPI"
   email.Recipients.Add "Exchange_User", "ExchangeUser@ServerInputQueueLabel", MSMQMAIL_RECIPIENT_BCC

   'Set who is sending the e-mail.
   email.Sender.Name = "Our name"
   email.Sender.Address = "Our queue label"

   'Set the subject of the e-mail.
   email.Subject = "Test mail."

   'Set the Body of the e-mail.
   email.TextMessageData.Text = "This is the Body of the message."

   '* Display Name of MAPI recipient.

   Set recipient = email.Recipients.Item("MAPI")
   MsgBox "The MAPI recipient's address is: " + recipient.Address

End Sub

Example of Form Field List

This example defines a form with three fields, then displays the name of the second field using the field key specified when the field was added.

To try this example using Microsoft Visual Basic (version 5.0), paste the code into the Code window of a form, and then run the example and click the form.

Dim email As New MSMQMailEMail
Dim msg As New MSMQMessage
Dim field As New MSMQMailFormField

Private Sub Form_Click()

   '*  Define e-mail

   'Set e-mail type to form message.
   email.ContentType = MSMQMAIL_EMAIL_FORM

   'Add primary recipient.
   email.Recipients.Add "Exchange_User", "ExchangeUser@ServerInputQueueLabel", MSMQMAIL_RECIPIENT_TO

  'Set who sent the e-mail.
  email.Sender.Name = "Our name"
  email.Sender.Address = "Our queue label"

  'Set subject of mail.
  email.Subject = "Test form."
  'Set form name.
  email.FormData.Name = "Test Form"

  'Set form field list.
  email.FormData.FormFields.Add "Name", "Test Field"
  email.FormData.FormFields.Add "Employed", True, "Employed"
  email.FormData.FormFields.Add "CurrentDate", "DateString"
  '* Compose message Body.
  msg.Body = email.ComposeBody

  '* Display the value of the "Employed field.

   Set field = email.FormData.FormFields.Item("Employed")
   MsgBox "The value of the Employment field is: " + CStr(field.Value)

End Sub

See Also

Add, Address, ContentType, FormData, FormFields, MSMQMailEMail, MSMQMailFormData, MSMQMailRecipient, MSMQMessage, Name, Recipients, Sender, Subject, Text,TextMessageData

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