MSMQTest.txt MSMQTest is installed on all MSMQ workstations and servers by default. You can use MSMQTest to test and demonstrate MSMQ functionality. Install the MSMQ SDK to install other MSMQ sample applications. MSMQTest demonstrates basic MSMQ functionality in a complete C program, including usage of Queue and Message properties and many of the MSMQ APIs. MSMQTest sends messages between two or more computers, or between two instances of MSMQTest on the same computer. You can run MSMQTest either as a receiving application (using the -r parameter) or as a sending application (using the -s parameter). You can run multiple instances of the application in sending or receiving mode. All messages you send from an instance of MSMQTest are sent to all the MSMQTest queues created by computers running MSMQTest in receiving mode. Similarly, computers running MSMQTest in receiving mode receive messages from all instances of MSMQTest in sending mode. Note: When you install the MSMQ SDK, the MSMQTest source file, Msmqtest.c, is installed. The following procedure introduces MSMQTest, demonstrating how you can use it to observe basic message queuing functionality. To use MSMQTest: 1. Run two instances of the Windows NT command prompt or the Windows 95 MS-DOS prompt, either on one computer or on two different computers. 2. In each instance, change to the MSMQ directory (c:\ program files\msmq by default). 3. In one instance, start MSMQTest in receive mode by typing msmqtest -r and then pressing ENTER. If you run MSMQ Explorer, you see an msmqtest queue has been created on the computer you are using. The queue has no messages. 4. In the other instance, start the MSMQTest in send mode by typing msmqtest -s, and then pressing ENTER. 5. At the Enter a string: prompt, type some text (for example, Hello World) and then press ENTER. The text you types in the sending application appears in the receiver's command prompt window. If you look at the msmqtest queue in MSMQ Explorer, you see it still has no messages. Because all the messages have been received by the receiving application, they do not appear in the queue. 6. In the command prompt window running MSMQTest in receiving mode, press CTRL+C to exit MSMQTest. 7. In the MSMQTest sending window, type some additional text and press ENTER. If you look at the msmqtest queue in MSMQ Explorer, you see the messages the sending application has sent, but that MSMQ has not yet been able to deliver because the receiving application is no longer running. 8. Restart MSMQTest in receiving mode by typing msmqtest -r, and then pressing ENTER. The messages stored by MSMQ are immediately delivered to the receiving application. If you switch to MSMQ Explorer and press F5 to refresh the display, you see that the queue has no messages because all the messages have been read by the receiving application. 9. In the MSMQTest sending window, type quit in lowercase, and then press ENTER. If you switch to MSMQ Explorer and press F5to refresh the display, you see that the queue has been deleted. If you exit the sending application by pressing CTRL+C, the queue is not deleted. The queue is deleted only when you exit the sending application by typing quit in lowercase, and then pressing ENTER. If you exit the sending application while there are undelivered messages in the receiving application queue, the queue is not removed. However, if you run MSMQTest in receiving mode again, it empties the queue (displaying each message), removes the queue, and then exits.