In addition to document contents, Index Server also indexes document properties. These properties usually correspond to standard ActiveX properties such as Title and Author. Index Server also indexes particular HTML tags, such as <META>, <TITLE>, and so on as individual properties. Properties represent another type of important document data that users may want to search for.
To search for documents written by a certain authorIndex Server looks for all documents authored by someone whose name contains the word Thompson. Because the Enter your query box is blank, Index Server ignores the contents of the document and looks only at the Author property.
This query looks for all documents that contain either Thompson or Steve in the Author property. Property queries support all the standard content Boolean operators such as AND, NEAR, and OR.
You can manipulate query forms to view results in different ways. In the next test drive, you will send the same query as in the previous procedure, but you will sort the results differently.
To change how results are sorted<INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="SortBy" VALUE="rank[d]">
The value of SortBy is "rank[d]". This value sorts the hits in descending order.
Note that the same results are returned because the text in the Document author box is the same as before. This time, however, the results are sorted by the Author property value in ascending order (rank[a]). Because the Document author box contains text only and does not differentiate between first and last names, Index Server does a simple text-based sort. That is why the document written by Kathleen Thompson (Ixserver.doc) appears before the one written by Steve Ross (Ixserver.xls).
In the next test drive, you will see that Index Server can search simultaneously for content and author.
To search for text and authorIndex Server looks for all documents that contain the words query features, where the author of the document is Barnes. As you can see, Index Server finds the one document that matches these two search restrictions, Ixserver.ppt.