Setting Up Index Server

You install Index Server through the IIS setup program. During installation, a list box will show you optional components that you can install with IIS. Look for Microsoft Index Server 2.0, and then follow these steps:

To install Index Server

  1. In the IIS Optional Component list box, make sure Microsoft Index Server is selected.
  2. Click the Show Subcomponents button.
  3. The Subcomponents of Index Server list box appears, showing you all the subcomponents of Index Server, which are selected by default. Note that the Index Server System Files are required for Index Server to run.

  4. Double-click the Language Resources component to see a list of languages that Index Server supports.
  5. In the Subcomponents of Language Resources list box, you can clear the check box of any language that does not apply to your site, and then click OK.
  6. In the Subcomponents of Index Server list box, click OK and then click Next.
  7. The Index Server Catalog Directory dialog box shows the path where the index will be stored.
  8. A directory named Catalog.wci will be created at this location. You can change this directory during setup, if you want. Maximum index size can be 40 percent of the size of the original files, so if you do change the default, be sure to choose a location with enough free space.

    Also, during setup, the Index Server files are copied to your computer in the following locations:

  9. Click Next and follow the instructions on screen to continue setting up Index Server and IIS.

Additions to Your System

In addition to copying sample files and the default index to your computer, Setup also does the following:

Testing Your Installation

Index Server is now installed on your system. Check to make sure that Setup created a common program group for Index Server:

  1. On the Taskbar, click Start , point to Programs, point to Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack, point to Microsoft Index Server

This program group contains the following Internet shortcuts:

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