Displaying Results Correctly

This section tells how you can make sure query results are displayed correctly both as a Web site administrator who expects queries from different locales and as a client querying a locale different from the HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE setting in your browser.

This section contains:

Returning Results to a Different Locale

If you are expecting queries from sites in different locales, you can set CiCodepage in the .htm file .htx (and .htw) file to make sure results are displayed correctly when returned to the client.

If you set the value of CiCodepage to CiCodepage=<%CiCodepage%> then Index Server takes the value sent by the browser to show results in the proper character set. With this setting in the .htx or .htw file, CiCodepage is available only if it is included in a query.

Querying a Site in a Different Locale

When querying a site for documents in different languages, you can send a CiCodepage tag in the URL to override the codepage character setting on the server and in the HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE variable in your browser. For example, suppose a client by the name of Yukio from Japan wants to query a site in the United States that contains documents in American English. Yukio wants a list of all documents containing the word cache. By appending the CiCodepage tag to his query, he can override the HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE setting in his browser, making sure the query results will be returned in English.

In the following example, Yukio is querying a server called Example, located at example.microsoft.com and a virtual directory called Software.


In the search form, Yukio then types:


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