Setting Global Properties

At the Index Server level, you can adjust property settings for all catalogs. For example, you can choose to turn off characterization for all catalogs, in which case no summaries or abstracts would be generated for files list on the results page of a search. If you want to change a value for a specific catalog, you can do so, because the values you set on the catalog level override those set on the Index Server level.

To set values for all catalogs
  1. In the MMC, select Index Server.
  2. From the Action menu select Properties.
  3. The Generation property sheet displays three settings that you can make globally, to affect all catalogs.

    Filter Files with unknown extensions
    Determines whether files with unregistered extensions will be filtered or not. By default, these files are filtered. For information about setting this property in the registry, see FilterFilesWithUnknownExtensions

    Generate Characterizations
    Controls whether summaries are generated for files found in a search and returned on the results page. By default, summaries are generated. For information about setting this property in the registry, see GenerateCharacterization

    Maximum Size (of any characterization)
    Sets the maximum number of characters for summaries of files returned in a search. For information about setting this property in the registry, see MaxCharacterization
  4. Click OK.

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