Removing Relay Restrictions from a Site

By default, Microsoft SMTP Service blocks computers from relaying unwanted mail through the site. To enable relay access through the site, set options in the Directory Security property sheet. By default, all computers are blocked except those that meet the authentication requirements designated in the Anonymous Access and Authentication Control section of the property sheet.

You can also allow messages to be relayed to a specific remote domain by setting the option in the Domain Properties property sheet. The domain setting overrides the site setting.

Note This feature is not available in Internet Service Manager (HTML).

To remove relay restrictions from a site

  1. Select the Directory Security property sheet.
  2. Under Relay Restrictions, choose Edit.
  3. Select an access option to determine if all computers are granted or denied relay access.
  4. Choose Add to add exceptions to the global access option.
Option Description
Allowed to relay All computers can relay messages through the site.
Not allowed to relay No computers can relay messages through the site. This is set by default, along with Allow any computer that successfully authenticates to relay.
Add, Remove, and Edit Adds, removes, and updates a list of those computers that are granted or denied relay access on an individual basis.
Allow any computer that successfully authenticates to relay Allows computers that meet authentication requirements set on the Directory Security property sheet to relay messages to the site. This is set by default.

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