IInetLogInformation Interface

The IInetLogInformation interface is defined in ilogobj.h. It implements the IUnknown interface to expose the methods needed to log IIS events. When a log event occurs, the IInetLogInformation object is exposed to the logging module through the IInetLogInformation methods. Custom logging modules can also make use of the following methods to meet specialized requirements.

Method Description
IInetLogInformation::GetBytesRecvd Returns the number of bytes received from the client.
IInetLogInformation::GetBytesSent Returns the number of bytes sent by the client.
IInetLogInformation::GetClientHostName Returns the IP address of the client.
IInetLogInformation::GetClientUserName Returns the user name of the client.
IInetLogInformation::GetComputerName Returns the local machine to which the logging module is applied.
IInetLogInformation::GetExtraHTTPHeaders Returns a NULL-separated list of parameters requested by the logging module from the Web server.
IInetLogInformation::GetOperation Retrieves the function to be called.
IInetLogInformation::GetParameters Retrieves the parameters related to the current operation.
IInetLogInformation::GetPortNumber Retrieves the number of the port the client is connected to.
IInetLogInformation::GetProtocolStatus Retrieves the protocol dependent status code returned to the client.
IInetLogInformation::GetServerAddress Obtains the IP address of the server that is having its activity recorded by the logging module.
IInetLogInformation::GetSiteName Obtains the name of the server instance which is being logged.
IInetLogInformation::GetTarget Obtains the target for the current operation.
IInetLogInformation::GetTimeForProcessing Retrieves the number of milliseconds it took for the operation to complete.
IInetLogInformation::GetWin32Status Retrieves the Win32 status code of the request.

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