Stopping Isolated Applications

An advantage of isolating an application is that you can stop the application and unload it from memory. Stopping an application is a convenient way to develop and debug an application; you can stop the application, which unloads its components from memory, and then install the new components. The application restarts the next time a browser requests it. If an application were running in the same memory space as the Web server, you would have to stop and restart the Web server to stop and restart an application.

To stop an isolated application
  1. In Internet Service Manager, select the Web site or the starting point directory of an application.
  2. Open the directory's property sheets, and then click the Home Directory, Virtual Directory, or Directory tab.
  3. You should be in the property sheets for the directory listed as the Starting Point directory. The Application Name box should be filled in.

  4. Click the Unload button.
  5. If the Unload button is dimmed, either the application is not isolated or you are not in the application's starting point directory.

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