Unattended Option Pack Installation

If you are using Microsoft Internet Information Server on an intranet, you can copy the Unattend.txt file from the Windows NT Option Pack compact disc to a folder on the local computer and perform unattended installations from that folder. This is useful for performing installations without remaining at the computer and stepping through the installation options. The Unattend.txt file is located on the compact disc in the \CPU type\inetsrv\ directory, where CPU type is the processor on the computer where IIS will be installed.

To start unattended setup
  1. Go to the computer where you want to install the Option Pack and either place the compact disc in the CD drive, or make a network connection to the CD drive containing the Option Pack disc.
  2. Copy Unattend.txt to your local hard disk and make any necessary changes to install the appropriate components.
  3. At a command prompt, change to the folder on the compact disc containing Setup.exe.
  4. Type setup.exe/u:full path to Unattend.txt where full path to Unattend.txt is the drive and path on the local computer where Unattend.txt is located. For example, setup.exe/u:c:\temp\unattend.txt.

If you have previously installed Internet Information Server and now want to add or remove components, you must use maintainence mode during unattended installation.

To run unattended setup in maintainence mode
  1. Go to the computer where you want to install the Option Pack and either place the compact disc in the CD drive, or make a network connection to the CD drive containing the Option Pack disc.
  2. Copy Unattend.txt to your local hard disk and make any necessary changes to install the appropriate components.
  3. At a command prompt, change to the folder on the compact disc containing Setup.exe.
  4. Type %windir%\system32\sysocmgr.exe /I:%windir%\system32\setup\iisv4.inf /c /u:full path to Unattend.txt where full path to Unattend.txt is the drive and path on the local computer where Unattend.txt is located.

Note   Be sure to test your unattended installation script before deployment. Some components shipped in the Option Pack have dependencies on other components being installed. Also, some components require additional text files to complete unattended installation. See Unattend.txt on the compact disc for more information about unattended setup.

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