Quick Tour of IIS Tasks

This topic provides an overview of some of the typical tasks you can accomplish with IIS. To locate more specific topics, use the table of contents, or see the Quick Tour of the Documentation. For scenarios showing specific examples of how to use IIS, see IIS in Action.

Note    Many configuration tasks involve changing settings in property sheets. There are three ways to open property sheets for a site, directory, or file. On the Action menu, select Properties; or right-click the site, directory, or file and select Properties; or click the Properties icon in the toolbar. In Internet Service Manager (HTML), select the site, directory, or file, and click Properties in the left pane.

For Creators of Web Pages

As a scripter, designer, or provider of access to databases and files, with IIS you can:

For Administrators

For server administrators, IIS provides efficient ways to:

For Creators of Scripts and Applications

As a scripter or programmer, by using IIS, you work within a run-time environment that manages threads and processes efficiently, increasing scalability. You can use Windows NT Performance Monitor, Event Viewer, and IIS configuration settings to tune server performance. In addition, you can take advantage of these IIS features to provide additional support to your scripts, components, or distributed applications:

You can also take advantage of the following features in Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS), which is included with IIS:

To find more detailed information about software in IIS, you can use the table of contents, or see the Quick Tour of the Documentation or IIS in Action.

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