WWW Service Registry Entries

In addition to the parameters listed in Service-Specific Registry Entries the WWW service maintains the following parameters.

Registry Path:


Range: 1,0
Default: 1 (enabled)
This value determines whether the HTTP server will process the "Range" header for type "bytes:". If enabled, the server will signal that it is accepting range requests by sending the "Accept-Range: bytes" header field, and will process an incoming request specifying a "Range: bytes=" header field according to the Internet draft "Byte range extension to HTTP."


Range: 0, 1
Default: 0 (disabled)
This value controls whether the Cmd.exe special characters [ | ( , ; % < > ] are allowed on the command line when running batch files (.bat and .cmd files). These special characters can pose a serious security risk. If the value of this entry is set to 1, malicious users can execute random commands on the server. Therefore, it is highly recommended to leave this setting as 0, the default. By default, these special characters cannot be passed to script-mapped CGI applets. If set to 1, these special characters can be passed to script-mapped CGI applets with the exception of the pipe character | and the standard I/O redirection characters < and >, which have a special meaning to the command processor.


Range: 0,1
Default: 0 (disabled)
This value indicates whether downlevel client support will be enabled. Some older versions of browsers do not support HOST headers, which give clients the ability to access multiple Web sites that share a single IP address. A value of 0 means that downlevel clients will not be supported and a value of 1 means that downlevel clients will be supported.


Range: String
Default: N/A
This value specifies the name of the HTTP Cookie that the server sends to downlevel clients. The cookie that is sent to a downlevel client will function as a "pseudo" HOST header so that the server can route the client's HTTP request to the appropriate Web site.


Range: String
Default: N/A
This value identifies the name of the Web site which contains the downlevel host menu, which is stored in LCCookieMenuDocumentString. The downlevel host menu is a document (such as an HTML file, .asp file, and so on) which lists all Web sites which share a single IP address. The user chooses the appropriate server instance from this menu.


Range: String
Default: N/A
This value specifies the file name of the host menu for clients that do support cookies, but do not support HOST headers. The cookie acts as a "pseudo" HOST header and the host menu lists all Web sites which share a single IP address. This cookie is attached to all requests for the host until the browser session has been terminated; however, terminating the browser session does not delete the cookie.


Range: String
Default: N/A
This value specifies the file name of the host menu for clients that do not support cookies . This file is used to resolve (or "munge") the requested URL from the downlevel client by embedding the host name in the URL.


Range: String
Default: N/A
This value specifies the special prefix of URLs that are requested by downlevel clients. The server will check all downlevel requests against this string.


Range: 0,1
Default: 1 (enabled)
Determines whether or not to record errors in the log file. The value 1 turns error logging on, and 0 turns it off.


Range: 0,1
Default: 1 (enabled)
Determines whether or not to record successful activities in the log file. The value 1 logs successful activities, and 0 turns it off.


Range: 0,1
Default:1 (enabled)
The #exec cmd directive of server-side includes executes shell commands. Security-conscious sites may wish to disable the #exec cmd directive by setting this value to 0 as an added security precaution, especially when untrusted parties are allowed to place files on the server. This value does not exist in the registry by default; to allow this directive to execute shell commands, you must first create the value and set it to 1.


Range: 0,1
Default: 0 (disabled)
This parameter disables exception caching when calling the HttpExtensionproc() of an ISAPI application. Setting TryExceptDisable to 1 will result in any exception caused by a misbehaving ISAPI application to stop the server, but it allows developers to do just-in-time debugging; therefore you should set this parameter to 1 only to debug ISAPI applications.


Range: 0-0x80000000
Default: 48KB
When a client posts data to the server, this is the default amount the server will read before passing control to the application. The application is then responsible for reading the rest of the data. If you increase this size you should increase the amount of RAM on the server.


Range: 1, 0
Default: 1 (enabled)
IIS by default uses a server pool thread to do CGI processing. This means CGI requests that take an extended period of time can consume a server pool thread. Adjusting MaxPoolThreads under ..\Services\InetInfo\Parameters can make more pool threads available.


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