Find Account

Use this feature to search domains for a specific user or group.

Find User or Group

Type the user or group that you want to search for in the text box.

Search All

Select this option to search every domain for the user or group you specified in the Find User or Group text box.

Search Only In

To limit your user or group search to specific domains, select this option button. Select a domain to search from the list box. To select multiple domains, press the CTRL key while selecting.

Search Results

This box displays the user accounts and groups found by a search. This list is continuously filled as a search progresses.

The list presents the matching users in the form domainname\username (full name) description, or computername\username (full name) description.

The list presents the matching groups in the form domainname\groupname description, or computername\groupname description.


Closes the Find Account dialog box and adds the accounts selected in Search Results to Add Names text box in the previous dialog box.

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