Administration Tasks


(modifies the MimeMap metabase property)
Range: String
Default: click File Types... button on Internet Information Server property sheet to view default mappings
Location in ISM: Internet Information Server property sheet, HTTP Headers property sheet
Can be configured at: computer, Web site, virtual directory, directory, and file levels
This value lists the file name extensions for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) mappings. These mappings set the various file types that the Web service returns to browsers.

Downlevel Administration

Administering downlevel IIS ISM clients
(modifies the DownlevelAdminInstance metabase property)
Range: 1
Default: Default Web Site for WWW, Default FTP Site for FTP
Location in ISM: IIS 3.0 Admin property sheet (select computer properties, click Edit... in the Master Properties field)
Can be configured at: computer level
This value indicates the Web site or FTP site to administer for IIS1.0, 2.0, or 3.0 Internet Service Manager clients. You can designate a single Web site or FTP site that is running IIS 4.0 to administer other Web sites or FTP sites that are running downlevel (that is, IIS 1.0, 2.0, or 3.0) versions of IIS.

Operation State

Automatically starting the server
(modifies the ServerAutoStart metabase property)
Range: 0,1
Default: 1(enabled)
Location in ISM: MMC toolbar
Can be configured at: Web site and FTP site levels
This parameter indicates whether the Web site or FTP site should start up when the Windows NT service is started. The started service is indicated by the start button in the MMC toolbar being greyed out when a Web site or FTP site is selected in Internet Service Manager.

Server status
(modifies the ServerState metabase property)
Range: Starting, Started, Stopping, Stopped, Pausing, Paused, Continuing
Default: Stopped
Location in ISM: MMC toolbar or, select a Web site or FTP site and right-click to view the server state
Can be viewed at: Web site and FTP site levels
This value indicates the operating state of the Web site or FTP site. To find out the current state of a Web site or FTP site, select the site and view the Start, Stop, and Pause buttons on the MMC toolbar. The button that is dimmed indicates whether the Web site or FTP site is currently started, stopped, or paused.

Starting, stopping, and pausing the server
(modifies the ServerCommand metabase property)
Range: Start, Stop, Pause, Continue
Default: N/A
Location in ISM: MMC toolbar, or, select a Web site or FTP site, right-click, and select the Start, Stop, or Pause command
Can be configured at: Web site and FTP site levels
Change the operating state of a Web site or FTP site either by selecting the site in ISM and clicking the start, stop, and pause buttons on the MMC toolbar or by selecting the site, right-clicking, and selecting the appropriate command from the drop-down menu.


Server bindings
(modifies the ServerBindings metabase property)
Range: String
Default: TCP Ports: ":80:" for W3SVC, ":21:" for MSFTPSVC; IP Address: (All unassigned)
Location in ISM: Web Site property sheet, FTP site property sheet
Can be configured at: Web site and FTP site levels
This value represents an IP:Port:Hostname triple designation that describes which network endpoints a Web site or FTP site is bound to. The IP and Hostname fields are optional; if these are not specified, the default is for "all IP addresses or all Hostnames".

Secure Bindings
(modifies the SecureBindings metabase property)
Range: 0 - 65535
Default: <blank> if no server keys are installed, ":443:" if server keys are installed
Location in ISM: Web Site property sheet
Can be configured at: Web site level
This value represents an IP:Port double designation that describes which network endpoints a Web site is bound to. This property maintains the same format as server bindings with the exception that the "Hostname" field is not allowed.

Virtual Roots

Mapping a virtual root to a physical directory
(modifies the Path metabase property)
Range: String
Default: N/A
Location in ISM: Home Directory property sheet
Can be configured at: Web site, FTP site, and virtual directory levels
You can set up virtual roots on your server by mapping them to a physical location on your computer. This physical location, or path, specifies the exact directory on the local computer that a virtual root is mapped to for a Web site, FTP site, or virtual directory.

Setting credentials for client browsers connecting to a network share
(modifies the UNCUserName and UNCPassword metabase properties)
Range: String
Default: N/A
Location in ISM: Home Directory property sheet
Can be configured at: Web site, FTP site, and virtual directory levels
When setting up a virtual root, you have the option of configuring that virtual root so that the content that is sent to a client browser actually resides in a physical location on another computer in your network. In order to do this you must allow access to that directory (or network share) by setting a user name and password for the client browser. You can set these credentials on the Home Directory property sheet by selecting the "A share located on another computer" option and clicking the Connect as button.

Default Logon

Default domain for logon
(modifies the DefaultLogonDomain metabase property)
Range: String
Default: read from <Host:header>
Location in ISM: Web Site property sheet
Can be configured at: Web site level
This value specifies the default domain for logon when no domain is specified by the client browser. Leaving this value blank has the following effect: If the computer is a domain controller, the default domain is the domain name; if the computer is not a domain controller, the default domain is the computer name.

Access Permissions

Setting access rights
(modifies the AccessFlags metabase property)
Range: Read, Write, Script, Execute
Default: Read
Location in ISM: Home Directory property sheet
Can be configured at: Web site, FTP site, virtual directory, directory, and file levels
These settings indicate access permissions for users who connect to your Web site or FTP site.

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