Applications Tasks

Active Server Pages (ASP)

Buffering ASP
(modifies the AspBufferingOn metabase property)
Range: 0,1
Default: 0 (disabled)
Location in ISM: App Options property sheet (on Home Directory property sheet, click the Configuration button)
Can be configured at: Web site level
This flag controls whether Active Server Pages buffers output to a browser. If it is on (set to 1) then all output is collected before any is sent to the browser. This allows for HTTP headers to be set from anywhere within a script. The Response.Buffer method can be used to override this default setting.

Logging error requests
(modifies the AspLogErrorRequests metabase property)
Range: 0,1
Default: 1 (enabled)
Location in ISM: Process Options property sheet (on Home Directory property sheet, click the Configuration button)
Can be configured at: Web site level
This flag controls whether the Web server writes unsuccessful client requests to the Windows NT event log file. The value 1 turns error logging on, and 0 turns it off.

Script error details
(modifies the AspScriptErrorSentToBrowser metabase property)
Range: 0,1
Default: 1 (enabled)
Location in ISM: App Debugging property sheet (on Home Directory property sheet, click the Configuration button)
Can be configured at: Web site level
This flag controls whether or not the Web server writes debugging specifics (file name, error and line numbers, description) to the client browser in addition to the Windows NT event log. If disabled, you can set a generic message to be sent to the client browser in the event of any ASP error.

Generic ASP error message
(modifies the AspScriptErrorMessage metabase property)
Range: String
Default: "An error occurred on the server when processing the URL. Please contact the system administrator."
Location in ISM: App Debugging property sheet (on Home Directory property sheet, click the Configuration button)
Can be configured at: Web site level
This message appears in a client browser if detailed ASP error messages are disabled.

ASP file caching
(modifies the AspScriptFileCacheSize metabase property)
Range: -1,0, 1 - unlimited
Default: unlimited
Location in ISM: App Options property sheet (on Home Directory property sheet, click the Configuration button)
Can be configured at: Web site level
This value specifies the number of precompiled ASP files to cache, which improves the performance of Active Server Pages. A special value of 0 indicates that no script files will be cached. A special value of -1 indicates that all script files requested will be cached. Performance may be low if caching is not used. Sites with heavy file traffic can increase this size if there is sufficient RAM on the system.

Caching ActiveX language engines
(modifies the AspScriptEngineCacheMax metabase property)
Range: 0 - unlimited
Default: 30
Location in ISM: Process Options property sheet (on Home Directory property sheet, click the Configuration button)
Can be configured at: Web site level
This value indicates the maximum number of ActiveX language engines that Active Server Pages keeps cached in memory.

ASP script timeout
(modifies the AspScriptTimeout metabase property)
Range: 1 - unlimited
Default: 90 seconds
Location in ISM: App Options property sheet (on Virtual Directory or Home Directory property sheet, click the Configuration button)
Can be configured at: Web site level
This value indicates the length of time Active Server Pages will allow a script to run to completion. If the script fails to complete within this time period, the server terminates the script and writes an event to the event log. This can be overridden in a script by using the Server.ScriptTimeout method call.

Session object timeout
(modifies the AspSessionTimeout metabase property)
Range: 1 - unlimited
Default: 20 minutes
Location in ISM: App Options property sheet (on Home Directory property sheet, click the Configuration button)
Can be configured at: Web site level
This value specifies the default amount of time a Session object should be maintained after the last request associated with the object is made. This can be overridden in a script using the Session.Timeout method call.

Enabling Parent Paths
(modifies the AspEnableParentPaths metabase property)
Range: 0,1
Default: 1 (enabled) (enabled)
Location in ISM: App Options property sheet (on Home Directory property sheet, click the Configuration button)
Can be configured at: Web site level
This flag controls whether Active Server Pages can allow paths relative to the current directory (that is, moving back up the directory hierarchy with “..” operations). This parameter setting constitutes a minor security risk, because an include path could access a file outside the server's virtual root space. Web site administrators who want to restrict such access can disable this setting.

Allowing session state in applications
(modifies the AspAllowSessionState metabase property)
Range: 0,1
Default: 1 (enabled)
Location in ISM: App Options property sheet (on Home Directory property sheet, click the Configuration button)
Can be configured at: Web site level
This flag controls whether Active Server Pages can make session state in applications. If enabled, ASP scripts can allow for session state for all users who access an .asp file in a Web site. If disabled, session state is not allowed; the ASPSessionID cookie will not be sent to clients that access the Web site, and any attempts to store anything in the session or to use Session_OnStart or Session_OnEnd will generate an error.

Primary scripting language
(modifies the AspScriptLanguage metabase property)
Range: String
Default: Vbscript
Location in ISM: App Options property sheet (on Home Directory property sheet, click the Configuration button)
Can be configured at: Web site level
This value indicates the script language that is used as the primary scripting language for all Active Server Pages applications. The primary scripting language can be used inside of Active Server Pages scripting delimiters (<% and %>). The default value is VBScript. The <%@ LANGUAGE = ScriptingLanguage %> command can be used to override this default setting.

Exception catching
(modifies the AspExceptionCatchEnable metabase property)
Range: 0,1
Default: 0 (disabled)
Location in ISM: Process Options property sheet (on Home Directory property sheet, click the Configuration button)
Can be configured at: Web site level
This flag controls exception catching from components. Active Server Pages traps all exceptions thrown by components; therefore, if you are attempting to debug a component, you will not be able to catch exceptions that the component throws in the Active Server Pages debugger. If enabled, Active Server Pages will catch exceptions that are thrown by components.

ASP server-side debugging
(modifies the AppAllowDebugging metabase property)
Range: 0,1
Default: 0 (disabled)
Location in ISM: App Debugging property sheet (on Home Directory property sheet, click the Configuration button)
Can be configured at: Web site level
This flag indicates whether or not Active Server Pages debugging is enabled. Since debugging can have a negative impact on system performance, administrators can use this property to administer a debugging policy for their Web sites. For example, an administrator running a production Web site might dictate that no applications can be debugged.

ASP client-side debugging
(modifies the AppAllowClientDebug metabase property)
Range: 0,1
Default: 0 (disabled)
Location in ISM: App Debugging property sheet (on Home Directory property sheet, click the Configuration button)
Can be configured at: Web site level
This flag indicates whether or not Active Server Pages client-side debugging is enabled.

Application Mappings

Application mappings
(modifies the ScriptMaps metabase property)
Range: String
Default: (view Application Mappings property sheet for default mappings)
Location in ISM: Application Mappings property sheet (on Home Directory property sheet, click the Configuration button)
Can be configured at: Web site level
These settings indicate the file name extensions of applications that are script-mapped.

Common Gateway Interface (CGI)

CGI timeout
(modifies the CGITimeout metabase property)
Range: 10 - 2,147,883,648 (seconds)
Default: 15 minutes
Location in ISM: Process Options property sheet (on Home Directory property sheet, click the Configuration button)
Can be configured at: Web site level
This value specifies the maximum time the WWW Service will wait for a response from CGI scripts.

ISAPI Applications

Caching ISAPI applications
(modifies the CacheISAPI metabase property)
Range: 0,1
Default: 1 (enabled)
Location in ISM: Application Mappings property sheet (on Home Directory property sheet, click the Configuration button)
Can be configured at: Web site level
If enabled, then ISAPI DLLs are loaded and cached. If disabled, they are unloaded after it is run.

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