Limiting Connections and Setting Timeout

Limiting connections is a way to conserve bandwidth for other uses. This could include leaving bandwidth for other services, such as e-mail or news servers, or for another Web site running on the same installation. All connection attempts past the connection limit are rejected. When a browser unexpectedly stops working or a connection is lost in mid-stream, the site continues to process data until the timeout value is reached. Setting a timeout value reduces loss of processing resources for broken connections.

To limit the number of connections
  1. In Internet Service Manager, select the Web site and click the Properties button to display its property sheets.
  2. On the Web Site property sheet, select the Limited to: check box.
  3. Type the maximum number of simultaneous connections you want to allow in the Maximum Connections box.
  4. Note   The Unlimited option permits as many simultaneous connections as your bandwidth and processor can support.

  5. Type the connection timeout value in seconds in the Connection Timeout box.

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