Creating Virtual Directories

If your Web site contains files that are located on a different drive than the home directory, or on different computers than the computer running Internet Information Server, you must create virtual directories to include those files in your Web site. A directory can be located on a local drive or on another computer on the network. To use a directory on another computer, you must specify the directory’s Universal Naming Convention (UNC) name and provide a user name and password to use for access permission. For an overview of virtual directories, see Virtual Directories.

To create a virtual directory
  1. In Internet Service Manager, select the Web site or FTP site to which you want to add a directory.
  2. Click the Action button, and then point to New, and select Virtual Directory.
  3. Use the New Virtual Directory wizard to complete this task.
To delete a virtual directory
  1. In Internet Service Manager, select the virtual directory you want to delete.
  2. Click the Action button, and select Delete. Deleting a virtual directory does not delete the corresponding physical directory or files.

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