Monitoring Counters for Active Server Pages

You can use the Windows NT Performance Monitor utility to monitor Active Server Page performance. Performance Monitor contains counters that monitor the activity of specific objects, that is, specific services or mechanisms controlling server resources. Counters monitor activity that varies over time, such as file transfer rates, bandwidth usage, or connection rates. For detailed information about using the Performance Monitor tool itself, see the Windows NT documentation.

Windows NT includes a number of counters, and IIS installs special counters, including Web service counters, FTP service counters, and global counters for Internet Information Services. This topic lists and describes the Web service counters.

Note   For all counters monitoring connection activity, the counts are the total for all Web sites, regardless of what you choose for Instance.

Note   While adding counters in the Add To dialog box in Performance Monitor, you can view an explanation of the currently selected counter by clicking the Explain button.

Note   To obtain and use counters related to TCP, see the Windows NT Resource Kit documentation. These counters, along with disk counters also provided by the Windows NT Resource Kit, can supplement the information obtained from the counters listed here.

Counters Related to ASP Error messages

Counters related to Active Server Pages application error messages are listed below. To view these counters, follow the procedure outlined in Viewing Current Performance; for Object, select Active Server Pages.

Counter Description
Debugging Requests The number of debugging document requests.
Errors During Script Runtime The number of requests failed due to runtime errors.
Errors From ASP Preprocessor The number of requests failed due to preprocessor errors.
Errors From Script Compiler The total number of requests that failed due to script compilation errors.
Errors / Sec The number of errors per second.

Counters Related to Requests

Counters related to Active Server Pages application requests error messages are listed below. To view these counters, follow the procedure outlined in Viewing Current Performance; for Object, select Active Server Pages.

Counter Description
Request Bytes In Total The total size, in bytes, of all requests.
Request Bytes Out Total The total size, in bytes, of all responses sent to clients.This does not include the standard HTTP response headers.
Request Execution Time The number of milliseconds that it took to execute the most recent request.
Request Wait Time The number of milliseconds the most recent request was waiting in the queue.
Requests Disconnected The number of requests that were disconnected due to communications failure.
Requests Executing The number of requests currently executing.
Requests Failed Total The total number of requests failed due to errors, authorization failure, and rejections.
Requests Not Authorized The number of requests failed due to insufficient access rights.
Requests Not Found The number of requests for files that were not found.
Requests Queued The number of requests waiting for service from the queue.
Requests Rejected The total number of requests not executed because there were insufficient resources to process them.
Requests Succeeded The number of requests that executed successfully.
Requests Timed Out The number of requests that timed out.
Requests Total The total number of requests since the service was started.
Requests / Sec The number of requests executed per second.

Counters Related to Sessions

Counters related to Active Server Pages application sessions are listed below. To view these counters, follow the procedure outlined in Viewing Current Performance; for Object, select Active Server Pages.

Counter Description
Session Duration The number of milliseconds that the most recent session persisted.
Sessions Current The number of sessions being serviced.
Sessions Timed Out The number of sessions timed out.
Sessions Total The total number of sessions since the service was started.

Counters Related to Transactions

Counters related to Active Server Pages application transactions are listed below. To view these counters, follow the procedure outlined in Viewing Current Performance; for Object, select Active Server Pages.

Counter Description
Transactions Aborted The number of transactions aborted.
Transactions Committed The number of transactions committed.
Transactions Pending The number of transactions in progress.
Transactions Total The total number of transactions since the service was started.
Transactions / Sec The number of transactions started per second.

Counters Related to Other Issues

Counters related to miscellaneous Active Server Pages application issues are listed below. To view these counters, follow the procedure outlined in Viewing Current Performance; for Object, select Active Server Pages.

Counter Description
Memory Allocated The total amount of memory, in bytes, currently allocated by Active Server Pages.
Script Engine Cache The number of script engines in cache.
Templates Cached The number of templates currently cached.
Template Cache Hit Rate The percentage of requests found in template cache.
Template Notifications The number of templates invalidated in the cache due to change notification.

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