Administering Sites by Using IIS 3.0

You can use the version of Internet Service Manager shipped with IIS versions 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 to administer one Web site and one FTP site created by using IIS 4.0. You must specify which IIS 4.0 Web site and FTP site can be administered by an earlier version of ISM. Only the specified Web site and FTP site are available for administration by earlier versions of ISM.

To specify the sites available for administration
  1. In Internet Service Manager, select the computer and click the Properties button.
  2. On the Internet Information Server property sheet, select either Web or FTP and click Edit.
  3. Click the IIS 3.0 Admin tab.
  4. On the IIS 3.0 Admin property sheet, select the site to be administered by older versions of Internet Service Manager, and click OK.

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