
This class contains methods that enable your component to use the methods and properties of the Response object.

AddHeader Adds an HTTP header.
AppendToLog Adds a string to the end of a Web server log entry for this request.
BinaryWrite Writes content without any character conversion (Unicode to ANSI).
Buffer Indicates whether page output is buffered.
CacheControl Overrides the Private default value. By setting this property to Public, proxy servers will be able to cache the output generated by ASP.
Charset Appends the name of the character set (for example, ISO-LATIN-7) to the content-type header in the Response object.
Clear Erases any buffered output.
ContentType The HTTP content type.
Cookies Write-only. Collection of cookies sent as part of the response.
End Causes ASP to stop processing and return any buffered output.
Expires The length of time in minutes until the response expires.
ExpiresAbsolute The absolute date and time that the response expires.
Flush Sends buffered output immediately.
IsClientConnected Indicates if the client has disconnected from the server since the last Response.Write
PICS Adds a value to the PICS-label field of the response header.
Redirect Sends a 302 Redirect status line.
Status The HTTP server status line.
Write Writes content with character conversion (Unicode to ANSI).

Cookies Specifies cookie values. Using this collection, you can set cookie values.

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