
The IWriteCookie interface exposes methods that you can use to alter the values and attributes of the cookies stored in the write-only Cookies collection.

Method Description
IWriteCookie::get__NewEnum Retrieves an enumerator for the Cookies collection.
IWriteCookie::get_HasKeys Retrieves a Boolean indicating whether the cookie has keys.
IWriteCookie::put_Domain Sets the Domain attribute of the cookie to the specified value.
IWriteCookie::put_Expires Sets the Expires attribute of the cookie to the specified value.
IWriteCookie::put_Item Adds an item to the Cookies collection.
IWriteCookie::put_Path Sets the Path attribute of the cookie to the specified value.
IWriteCookie::put_Secure Sets the Secure attribute of the cookie to the specified value.

Note IWriteCookie and IReadCookie are interfaces for the same object. If you have an IWriteCookie pointer, you can call the IUnknown::QueryInterface method on an IReadCookie pointer.

This interface also supports the IUnknown and IDispatch interface methods. For more information, see \iissamples\sdk\include\asptlb.h, the header file installed with ASP.

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