The METADATA_RECORD structure contains information about a metabase entry. It is used as an input parameter by the SetData method and as an input/output parameter by methods that retrieve data from the metabase, such as GetData, EnumData, or GetAllData.

typedef struct  _METADATA_RECORD { 
    DWORD dwMDIdentifier; 
    DWORD dwMDAttributes; 
    DWORD dwMDUserType; 
    DWORD dwMDDataType; 
    DWORD dwMDDataLen; 
    unsigned char *pbMDData; 
    DWORD dwMDDataTag; 


A DWORD that uniquely identifies the metabase entry, for example, MD_SERVER_STATE.
Flags that specify how to set or get data from the metabase. This member can be set to one or more of the following values:
Flag Description
METADATA_INHERIT Set: The data can be inherited.

Get: Return inheritable data.

METADATA_INSERT_PATH For a string data item:

Set: Indicates the string contains MD_INSERT_PATH_STRINGW.

Get: Replace MD_INSERT_PATH_STRINGW with the path of the data item relative to the handle


Get: Mark data items that were inherited.

METADATA_NO_ATTRIBUTES Set: The data does not have any attributes.

Get: Not applicable. Data is returned regardless of this flag setting.


Get: Return ERROR_SUCCESS and any inherited data even if the entire path is not present. This flag is only valid if METADATA_INHERIT is also set.

METADATA_REFERENCE Set: The data was retrieved by reference.

Get: Not valid

METADATA_SECURE Set: Store and transport the data in a secure fashion.

Get: Not valid.

METADATA_VOLATILE Set: Do not save the data in long term storage.

Get: Not valid.

A DWORD that specifies the user type of the data. When you use the SetData method to create a new data item, specify a user type above 2,000. User types 2,000 and below are reserved. When retrieving or updating data, this specifies the user type assigned to the data item.

IIS currently uses these user types:

User type Description
ASP_MD_UT_APP The entry contains information specific to ASP application configuration.
IIS_MD_UT_FILE The entry contains information about a file, such as access permissions, or log on methods.
IIS_MD_UT_SERVER The entry contains information specific to the server, such as ports in use and IP addresses.
IIS_MD_UT_WAM The entry contains information specific to web application management.

Identifies the type of data in the metabase entry. This parameter can be one of the following values:
Data type Description
ALL_METADATA Set: Not valid

Get: Return data regardless of type.

BINARY_METADATA Binary data in any form.
DWORD_METADATA An unsigned 32-bit number.
EXPANDSZ_METADATA A null-terminated string that contains unexpanded environment variables, such as %PATH%. The environment variables are not expanded by the IIS Admin Base Object.
MULTISZ_METADATA An array of null-terminated strings, terminated by two null characters.
STRING_METADATA A null-terminated string.

A DWORD that specifies the length of the data in bytes. If the data is a string, this value includes the ending null character. For multisz data, this includes an additional null character after the final string. For example, the length of a multisz string containing two strings would be (wcslen(stringA) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) + (wcslen(stringB) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) + 1 * sizeof(WCHAR)

In-process clients need to specify dwMDDataLen only when setting binary and multisz values in the metabase. Remote applications must specify dwMDDataLen for all data types.

When setting a value in the metabase, points to a buffer that contains the data. When retrieving data from the metabase, points to a buffer to receive the data.

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