
The IMSAdminBase::DeleteBackup method deletes a metabase backup from a backup location.

HRESULT DeleteBackup( 
  LPCWSTR pszMDBackupLocation, 
  DWORD dwMDVersion 


A string of up to MD_BACKUP_MAX_LEN unicode characters that identifies the backup location.
Specifies the version number of the backup to be deleted from the backup location, or can be the following constant:
MD_BACKUP_HIGHEST_VERSION Delete the highest existing backup version in the specified backup location.

Return Values

Returns an HRESULT that contains one of the following values, or any error from the file system converted to an HRESULT.

Value Description
ERROR_INVALID_NAME Specified name is invalid.
ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY Insufficient memory to perform the operation.
ERROR_SUCCESS The method succeeded.

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