Microsoft® JScript™
^= Operator
 Language Reference 
Version 1 

See Also

Used to perform a bitwise exclusive OR on an expression.
result ^= expression

The ^= operator syntax has these parts:

Part Description
result Any variable.
expression Any expression.


Using the ^= operator is exactly the same as specifying:

result = result ^ expression

The ^= operator looks at the binary representation of the values of two expressions and does a bitwise exclusive OR operation on them. The result of this operation behaves as follows:

0101    (result)
1100    (expression)
1001    (result)

When one, and only one, of the expressions has a 1 in a digit, the result has a 1 in that digit. Otherwise, the result has a 0 in that digit.

For information on when a run-time error is generated by the ^= operator, see the Operator Behavior table.

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