
The Write method writes a specified string to the current HTTP output.


Response.Write variant


The data to write. This parameter can be any data type supported by the Visual Basic® Scripting Edition VARIANT data type, including characters, strings, and integers. This value cannot contain the character combination %>; instead you should use the escape sequence %\>. The Web server will translate the escape sequence when it processes the script.


The following examples use the Response.Write method to send output to the client.

I just want to say <% Response.Write "Hello World." %> 
Your name is: <% Response.Write Request.Form("name") %> 

The following example adds an HTML tag to the Web page output. Because the string returned by the Write method cannot contain the character combination %>, the escape %\> has been used instead. The following script

<% Response.Write "<TABLE WIDTH = 100%\>" %> 

produces the output

<TABLE WIDTH = 100%> 

Applies To

Response Object

See Also


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