
The Buffer property indicates whether to buffer page output. When page output is buffered, the server does not send a response to the client until all of the server scripts on the current page have been processed, or until the Flush or End method has been called.

The Buffer property cannot be set after the server has sent output to the client. For this reason, the call to Response.Buffer should be the first line of the .asp file.


Response.Buffer [= flag]


Specifies whether or not to buffer page output. It can be one of the following values.
Value Description
FALSE No buffering. This is the default value. The server sends output to the client as it is processed.
TRUE The server does not send output to the client until all of the ASP scripts on the current page have been processed, or until the Flush or End method has been called.


If the current ASP script has buffering set to TRUE and does not call the Flush method, the server will honor Keep-Alive requests made by the client. This saves time because the server does not have to create a new connection for each client request.

However, buffering prevents any of the response from being displayed to the client until the server has finished all script processing for the current page. For long scripts, this may cause a perceptible delay.

You can use the ASPBufferingOn property in the metabase to set the default value for script buffering. For more information about using the metabase see IIS Metabase in the Programmer's Reference.

Applies To

Response Object

See Also

Flush, End

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