ICertEncodeCRLDistInfo Interface

The ICertEncodeCRLDistInfo interface provides methods for handling CRL distribution information arrays used in certificate extensions. A certificate extension can be created using a CRL distribution information array stored in an extension handler COM object instantiated by the policy module. Each element in the array is a CRL distribution point structure that contains an array of names and name choices.

The following methods are provided by the ICertEncodeCRLDistInfo interface.

Method Description
Decode Decodes an ASN encoded CRL distribution information array and stores the resulting array in the COM object.
Encode Performs ASN encoding on a CRL distribution information array stored in the COM object and returns the ASN encoded array.
GetDistPointCount Returns the number of CRL distribution point elements in a CRL distribution information array.
GetName Returns the name at a specified index of a CRL distribution point structure.
GetNameChoice Returns the name choice at a specified index of a CRL distribution point structure.
GetNameCount Returns the number of names in a CRL distribution point structure.
Reset Resets an array of CRL distribution information structures to a specified number of structures and initializes the structure elements.
SetNameCount Sets the name count for the specified distribution point in a CRL distribution information array.
SetNameEntry Sets the name and name choice at a specified index of a distribution point in a CRL distribution information array.

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