Administration Using Windows NT Event Viewer

Microsoft® Windows NT® Event Viewer can be used to monitor certain activities of Microsoft Certificate Server. At this time, Event Viewer can be used to log issued certificates and denied requests processed by the Certificate Authority service.

To view events generated by the Certificate Authority service using Event Viewer
  1. In Windows NT, click the Start button, point to Programs, then point to Administration Tools, and click on Event Viewer. This runs the Event Viewer application. Another way to view events is to start the Microsoft Management Console and click on the Event Viewer icon on the toolbar.

  2. In the Event Viewer Log menu, click Application if it is not already selected.

The Event Viewer will now display the Event Viewer Application Log. Events generated by the Certificate Authority service will appear with the Source name "CertSvc."

To see the details of a Certificate Authority service event, double-click an event in the Event Viewer display.

Click Previous or Next to view details of the previous or next event, respectively. Click Close to return to the Application Log display.

The Event Viewer does not dynamically update the display of the Application Log when new events occur. To display new events, click Refresh on the Event Viewer View menu.

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