Running Certificate Server

Microsoft® Certificate Server runs as a Microsoft Windows NT® service. By default, it is setup to have automatic Startup Type. Consequently, it will start automatically when the operating system loads unless the service has been reconfigured to have manual Startup Type. Additionally, The Certificate Authority service will stop automatically when the operating system is unloaded, or it can be stopped manually.

Manually Starting the Service

If the Certificate Authority service has been configured to have its Startup Type be manual, then the service must be started manually.

To start the service using the Services applet in the Control Panel
  1. Open the Windows NT Server Control Panel.

  2. Open the Services applet in the Control Panel.

  3. Click the Certificate Authority service to select it.

  4. Click Start, and then click Close.

Manually Stopping the Service

The Certificate Authority service will always stop automatically when the operating system is unloaded. It can also be stopped manually, regardless of whether it was started automatically or manually.

To stop the service using the Services applet in the Control Panel
  1. Open the Control Panel.

  2. Open the Services applet in the Control Panel.

  3. Click the Certificate Authority service to select it.

  4. Click Stop, and then click Close.

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