Connection Object

A Connection object represents an open connection to a data source.


Errors, Properties


BeginTrans, Close, CommitTrans, Execute, Open, OpenSchema, RollbackTrans


Attributes, CommandTimeout, ConnectionString, ConnectionTimeout, CursorLocation, DefaultDatabase, IsolationLevel, Mode, Provider, State, Version


A Connection object represents a unique session with a data source. In the case of a client/server database system, it may be equivalent to an actual network connection to the server. Depending on the functionality supported by the provider, some collections, methods, or properties of a Connection object may not be available.

Using the collections, methods, and properties of a Connection object, you can do the following:

Note To execute a query without using a Command object, pass a query string to the Execute method of a Connection object. However, a Command object is required when you want to persist the command text and re-execute it, or use query parameters.

You can create Connection objects independently of any other previously defined object.

See Also

Using OLE DB Providers with ADO

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