For constants you can also modify an existing value and for units you can update the factor or offset (for example if you have access to more accurate data). Select the unit, constant or property you want to rename or delete in the list box.
You can use the Find button to search for
a property or units from the properties database.
You can save your new properties, units or constants by clicking
the "opt" button, selecting the "Data" tab and clicking the Save Properties
button and giving a file name.
You can subsequently load a set of properties, units and constants using the Load button. If you save the file with the name DEFAULT.PRP in the default directory, your file will be loaded automatically in future. The file FACTORY.PRP is the properties file which is supplied with the software and should not be overwritten. If you want to revert to the properties as supplied, simply delete or rename your DEFAULT.PRP file; FACTORY.PRP is automatically loaded if DEFAULT.PRP is absent. If you have saved a lot of data in this way, you might want to make sure you have a backup copy of your DEFAULT.PRP file.
If you have a property or a set of units which is of general interest,
or perhaps specific to your industry, you can submit
them at our website. We can then add them to the next release of the
properties database.
To prevent automatic loading of properties and constants from an external file, ensure you do not have a file called FACTORY.PRP or DEFAULT.PRP.
From time to time we update the properties database, and you can query
the database online. There is also a link to download the latest version
of the database.
An example of the format is given below, in which a new property is
created with temperature units. A property is introduced by a line
starting with "P:" followed by the name of the unit. A unit is identified
by a line beginning with U followed by a colon, and then the name of the
unit. The SI conversion factor follows and then the offset,
if any, each value delimited by a backwards stroke. Constants are
preceded by "C:".
P:Surface temperature
The file should be given the extension "prp" and can then be read
in using the appropriate "Load Properties" button on the Options/Data tab.