Waypoint+ Readme.txt (If using Notepad, turn on Word Wrap.) For the additional information, see http://www.tapr.org/~kh2z/Waypoint NOTE: Waypoint+ does not work with Garmin eMap, Street Pilot, G-162 or G-295, and there are no plans to support these receivers at this time. This program is supplied as is. No warrantee is given or implied. Use this program at your own risk. Misuse of the program may cause corruption of data stored in your GPS receiver. Comments on the program function or problems encountered during it use will be appreciated. Testing to date has been on Win95 on a 486DX-50 PC, 486DX2-50, and an ALR Pentium 100 without problem. It also runs on the ALR Pentium 100 with dual processors and WinNT 4.00 though certain setup of WinNT 4.00 will not run Waypoint+. The reason is unclear. Garmin Receivers tested thus far include the Garmin 38, 40, 45, and 45XL, software versions 2.03, 2.32, 2.41 and 3.04., and 12XL v2.01, and a Garmin 90 v2.05, 95XL, and 135 Sounder. A Garmin 90 v2.06 has been tested and found to be incompatible with the editing features of Waypoint+. The Garmin II, III, III+, and now with several versions of the eTrex now work, icons not supported. GPSMAP76 added in version 1.8.50 Feature Summary: Upload and download data directly from a Garmin GPS receiver. Reads and writes waypoint, routes, tracks and almanac data in Waypoint+ format. Exports waypoint, route, track, and proximity data into text format. Exports waypoint, route and tract data into SA3 (Street Atlas v3.0) format. Imports waypoint and route data from SA3 and SA4. Allows creation of waypoints and routes in SA3 and then uploads them to the Garmin GPS receiver. And the creation of waypoints, route and tracks in SA4 and then uploaded them into the Garmin GPS receiver Imports and exports proximity waypoints into SA4 format. Allows storage of lat/long in Degrees, Degrees/Minutes, or Degrees/Minutes/Seconds in a packed decimal format. Waypoints can be created and edited within Waypoint+. Routes can be created and edited. Waypoints, routes and tracks can be displayed graphically. Program purpose: To be able to upload and download Routes, Tracks, and Waypoints from the Garmin 45 to a PC, simplifying the processes of creating and editing these data. Saved data files can be in ASCII format with comma delimited fields and can be easily edited using Windows Notepad or Wordpad, taking advantage of their Cut and Paste capability. Requirement: (1) Windows 95 or Windows NT. Waypoint+ is a 32 bit windows program. The program will not work with Windows 3.1 with or without Win32s. (2) Approximately 1.7mb of free hard disk space for the program and associated files. (3) 4mb of ram to run the program. (4) A free serial port, Com1-4, without IRQ conflicts. (4) Garmin GPS-38, 40, 45, 45XL, 95XL, 12XL, GPS-II ( not the plus). (5) Garmin power/data cable wired for connection to the PC serial port. Installation: Copy all supplied files into a single directory. These include Waypoint.exe, Waypoint.w3, Waypoint.adf. Create a shortcut with the following command line: path\Waypoint.exe Waypoint.w3. The Start in directory must be the same as the directory the program is installed in. Running the Waypoint.exe without the Waypoint.w3 argument will not work. The Waypoint.adf file must me in the same directory and Waypoint.exe. Program Operation: To comunicate with the GPS receiver, the comunications port must be chosen first. This in on the GPS menu. The GPS|Download menu item download the requested information from the Garmin GPS receiver. The Position and Time menu items are informational only. Off turns off the Garmin GPS receiver and exits the program. Data files for upload can consist of waypoints, tracks, or routes, or any combination of the same. Data records must conform to the following formats. If a file contains duplicate names of points, the last record uploaded is the one preserved by the Garmin GPS receiver. Data types: latitude, longitude: decimal degrees. Ex: 34.079917073, -116.8833143357 latitude, longitude: degrees minutes. date: mm/dd/yyyy. Date is the creation date of a given point time: hh:mm:ss. Time is the creation time of a given point. Description, names, and the record type are characters A-Z, and numbers. All lowercase letters are converted to uppercase. Leading and trailing blanks are ignored. Improperly formed records will probably and without warning terminate the program if encountered during an upload. RECORD TYPES All records begin with one of 4 key words: Waypoint, TrackPoint, RouteName, and RoutePoint. Waypoint and RoutePoint records are of the same form except RoutePoints become part of a route. Each keyword is followed by a designator that describes what kind of storage is used with latitude and longitude. DM and DMS are stored in as single packed floating point number. To save data in a format other than decimal degrees, the default mode, use the File-Mode menu items to change the mode in which data is stored. D=decimal degrees; ddd.dddddddd (34.064531922) DM=degrees minutes; ddd.mmmmmmm = ddd mm.mmmmmmm (34.06548 = 34 6.548') DMS=degrees minutes seconds; ddd.mmsssssss = ddd mm ss.sssss (34.06453 = 34 6' 4.53") Waypoints: Waypoint,data format, waypoint name, latitude, longitude, date , time , waypoint description. Example: Waypoint,D,10X215,34.064531922,-117.2959507350,11/23/1995,19:29:00,I10 X I215 Waypoint,DM,10X215,34.06548,-117.80632,11/23/1995,19:29:00,I10 X I215 Waypoint,DMS,10X215,34.06453,-117.29595,11/23/1995,19:29:00,I10 X I215 Track Points: TrackPoint, latitude, longitude, date, time, first record (1=yes, 0=no) Example: TrackPoint,D, 33.030250669,-117.1733040456,07/08/1996,04:12:30,0 Note that TrackPoint date and time data is NOT preserved during an upload to the GPS 45. Downloading track data that has been uploaded will not preserve the creation date and time. Routes: 2 types of records. RouteName, route number, route description RoutePoint, latitude, longitude, date, time, waypoint description. Examples: RouteName,2 ,VIVIAN CREEK TRAIL RoutePoint,D,TRAIL1, 34.079917073,-116.8833143357,11/19/1995,06:01:00,TRAIL HEAD RoutePoint,D,TRAIL2, 34.085984230,-116.8862808589,11/19/1995,06:01:00,FALLS Route data should have the RouteName record followed by the RoutePoint records. Support for Delorme's Street Atlas v3.0 (SA3) , v4.0 (SA4). Waypoint+ will now download data directly into as file format that SA3 can read and display. Waypoint+ will also directly upload waypoint and route files to the G45. However, waypoint can be loaded in to Waypoint+ and saved as an ASCII file which can then be edited and uploaded to the to the G45. Waypoints appear in the following format in SA3: WPNAME;WPT DESCRIPTION. WPNAME is the up to 6 character waypoint name, WP DESCRIPTION is the waypoint description. A mapnote created in SA3 in the above format, can be directly uploaded to the G45. Note that a mapnote might have to entered in the form a a street name of lat/long note, and then right clicking on the note and changing the properties so that the resultant mapnote is in the proper form for Waypoint+ ot read. Tracks are downloaded as point in SA3. The color of the points varies with each minute of travel giving a sense of direction of travel and rough elapsed time. Route are written into SA3 as follows: (rte number:wpt number)WPNAME;WPT DESCRIPTION. rte number is the Route number stored in the GPS-45. wpt number is the waypoint order. If you want to add waypoints to a route between 2 waypoints in SA3, use a fractional number such as 4.1 for a waypoint to be inserted between 4 and 5. Waypoints and tracks can be downloaded in to OVL format. These files can be read directly by MapExpert. Using the line drawing abilities of MapExpert, tracks can be created and directly uploaded to the GPS-45. V1.1 This release of Waypoint+ contains several new menu item. Track displays an analysis of downloaded track data showing the number of track segments, time enroute, distance traveled and average speed. This function only works with downloaded data, and not with tracks created with MapExpert, or with data that was uploaded to the GPS-45 and then redownloaded. Waypoint displays the current list of waypoints in memory. These can be sorted by name, latitude or longitude. Also, individual waypoints can be edited, or cut then pasted in order to create a file with the waypoints in the desired order. Also, individual waypoints can be deleted, or only a selected few can be kept. Editing of Route data allows changing the name of a given route and the route number. And individual route waypoints can be edited or deleted. In the waypoint list view, individual waypoints can be selectively uploaded to the GPS 45. File|Save allows saving of ram data or downloaded data to an additional file format or file name. File|Open allows loading of stored data into RAM for either file type transformation of uploading to the G45. File|Upload performs the upload of data already in RAM. File|Clear erases all RAM data. Opening additional files of downloading data catenates the new data to that already in RAM thus allowing the combination of files into one large file. A "combined" file will save all waypoint, route and track data into one file. A binary file format allows fast loading of data into memory. No editing of this file outside of Waypoint+ should be attempted. Altered files of this type loaded into Waypoint+ will produce unexpected results. v1.3 Waypoints, routes and tracks can now be shown graphically from within Waypoint+. Waypoints can also be created in the plot window. To zoom in, click and drag the left mouse button. To pan, just click the left mouse button. To zoom out, click the right mouse button and choose the appropriate zoom. v1.5 Map datum support was added. Note: The GPS-45XL does not preserve the time stamp of a waypoint upon uploading it. The time stamp is preserved with the GPS-45. Trackpoint time stamp is never preserved after uploading. Please send all comments to bhildebrand@earthlink.net Updates only require a new Waypoint.W3 file and can be received via Email or downloaded from the Web. Update W3 files will have the name in the following format: WPTxxxx.W3 where xxxx is the version number. WPT1511.W3 is version 1.5.11 for example. For program history and program updates, see the following Web page: http://www.tapr.org/~kh2z/Waypoint This Web site is provided and supported by Barry Rimmer, the "Webmaster". Many thanks to him for his personal support of Waypoint+.