c:\system\apps\splitter\ex.mbm!:\system\apps\splitter\ex.mbmc:\system\apps\splitter\splitterhelp!:\system\apps\splitter\splitterhelpc:\system\apps\splitter\splitter.aif!:\system\apps\splitter\splitter.aifc:\system\apps\splitter\splitter.ini!:\system\apps\splitter\splitter.inic:\system\apps\splitter\splitter.app!:\system\apps\splitter\splitter.appSplitter7 9d9GA Times New Roman &Heading 1L Times New Roman &Heading 2L Times New Roman &Heading 3L 4Splitter 1.02a Copyright 2001 CarrotSoft www.carrotsoft.com Freeware - copy as much as you like in its original form Don't forget to check back at our website for updates and more 100% free EPOC software. Or, use our feedback form to send us any comments, queries or ideas you have. Version History 1.02a is a re-release of version 1.02, which contained a small bug which prevented installation on some CF cards. Version 1.02 is another bug fix: Intermittent error when using target score fixed Support for installation on CF cards Version 1.01 is almost entirely the same as 1.0, except it has a bug fixed that stopped the colour option appearing on some NetBook/Series 7 machines. Setting up a game Splitter is a game for two or more players, but you can play it on your own by opting for AI opponents. Playing with three players is not recommended for reasons which will become obvious later on. The object of the game is to wipe your opponents from the board. Create a new game; if you are playing against the AI, you may like to reduce the level until you pick up the tactics of the game. You can set a target score or a time limit. If you set a target score, the first player to that score will win. If you set a time limit, each player will have a certain total amount of time to expend on all moves. If this time is exceeded, they will automatically be dropped from the game. You may also opt to play the game on a rectangular board (by switching off the "square board" option). This makes games last for longer (since there are more tiles available), but may lead to less balanced games. Playing the game The game is turn-based. On your turn, you must click on a square which you already own or is vacant. If you click on a vacant square, you gain ownership of the square and one spot appears on it. If you click on a square which you already own, you add a spot to that square. Each square has a certain "threshold" number of spots it can contain. Corners contain a maximum of 1 spot Edge squares contain a maximum of 2 spots All other squares contain a maximum of 3 spots If you exceed the maximum, the square explodes, leaving a spot on each directly connected square (diagonals do not count). If a tile explodes onto an adjacent tile with a spot or spots already placed, another spot is added. If this tile exceeds its maximum, it also explodes. If your tile explodes onto another player's tile, you gain their tile and its associated spots. The winner is the last remaining player or the first to the target score, depending on your game options. Beginner's Tactics Guide This is intended as an introduction to Splitter tactics. It is not in the least comprehensive, and you will acquire your own tactics which you may or may not want to share. Claim corner tiles, since these are particularly strongly placed. For this reason, 3-player games are not recommended as player 1 will automatically have an advantage of 2 corners. Do not allow chains of "fully charged" tiles to develop, as this can be set off by another player and destroy you in one move. Scan the entire board carefully on each move. Some positions can be deceptive; for example, even if a tile is not at its limit, it may have more than one spot added to it as a result of a chain reaction from a single move. Send any bright ideas to us using the feedback form on our website at www.carrotsoft.com Swiss Swiss "Word.app "Splitter"Splitter Andrew Geoff James Peter *C:\Documents\Programming\Splitter\splitter5 PATH$ ININAME$ TBARLINK splitter.appW Loading... splitter.iniK z:\system\opl\Toolbar.opo entryO EXIT% BOARD% BFLAG% BOWNER% SELFSCORE TURN% PNAME$ AI_LEVEL& ZSECOND CSTATS% CTYPE% GT_SQUARE% NPLAYER& GRAPHICS GT_TARGET% GT_TIMER% TIMEL& COLOR% SNDST& SOUNDS% DRAWGRID TBARINIT TBARBUTT TBARSHOW OPTIONS DRAWSTATUSBAR TBAROFFER% OWNERMESSAGE PLACE THINK ANALYZEBOARD DECLAREWINNER PATH$ ex.mbmKO SplitterO OptionsO ExitO W.W/O O.h@[ ?JWB} ?JWB} O.hD[L PNAME$ Splitter wins!K INGAMEOPTIONS DRAWSTATUSBAR ZSECOND EXIT% EXIT% RATEMOVE DRAWGRID PLACE BFLAG% TURN% BOWNER% BOARD% Thinking...O ZSECOND TIMEL& TURN% PROJECTSCORE HITSTOMAX% BOARD% BFLAG% SELFSCORE |NB[J BOARD% BOWNER% CSTATS% PROJECTSCORE HITSTOMAX% BFLAG% BOARD% BOWNER% SELFSCORE |:\[m |NB[{ h|B[" NPLAYER& CSTATS% BOWNER% BOARD% TIMEL& GT_TARGET% Target score reached! PLACE REDRAWSQUARE BFLAG% BOARD% BOWNER% TURN% SELCOL SECONDSTOSTRING$ TIMERUPDATE COLOR% TURN% PNAME$ NPLAYER& CSTATS% GT_TIMER% TIMEL& |RNyW/O 's turn [Out] |F\[/ + Last move SELCOL BOARD% COLOR% BOWNER% NPLAYER& GRAPHICS |RO |Ny DRAWGRID REDRAWSQUARE PNAME$ BOWNER% This square is owned by RESTORESETTINGS STORESETTINGS TIMEL& NPLAYER& AI_LEVEL& GT_TARGET% GT_TIMER% GT_SQUARE% COLOR% PATH$ CTYPE% PNAME$ EPOC Splitter 1.02aO (c) CarrotSoft 2000/2001 www.carrotsoft.com Freeware( PlayersO AI LevelO Target Score Time Limiter Square Board Coloured tiles HelpOH+ ExitOQ+ Next >O Oq{A[ Oh{A[) SplitterHelpK+ Player settingsO +;3 player games are inherantly biased in favour of player 1. +9Press back to create a fourth player and set it as an AI. 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