In order to respond to reports of problems, it is ESSENTIAL that this form be filled out. Please include the entire form in any subsequent correspondence as well as it saves considerable time in responding to your issues. Only the portion below the line: == START OF INFO == needs to be emailed with your report. The main reason this is needed is that many problems ONLY occur with a very specific set of preference options, 3rd party software, hacks or OS version, so that information is really important. Send the Bug report to this email address: The Subject line must have a specific format in order for your email to be automatically routed to the correct place for handling. If the subject line is miscoded, it will not end up in the right place and the bug report may not be noticed for some time. The [DB-#] tag must appear in the subject line where # is the severity number of the bug: 1,2,3, 4 or 5 For severity errors, use these guidelines: 1 - for complete disasters - you hit a hard reset, had your database zapped, etc. Hopefully we'll never see these! 2 - for all crashes, lockups, freezes - but where the program recovers with a soft reset. 3 - for all other bugs where the program does not crash, but does not do the right thing. 4 - for cosmetic errors, typos in info dialogs, GUI controls that aren't quite right, etc. 5 - for comments, accolades, suggestions, feedback etc. This should then be followed by a brief description in the subject line immediately after the [DB-#] tag. Here are TYPICAL EXAMPLES OF THE SUBJECT LINE: [DB-3] Alarms going off at wrong time. [DB-2] Fatal Reset on Beam Category [DB-4] Info tip has spelling error [DB-5] Hey, this is great on my IIIc If you are providing additional information about a previously reported bug, please try and use the IDENTICAL subject line. At the start of the email itself, provide detailed description of problem. Make 100% sure that the BUG DETAILS/USER INFORMATION/HARDWARE INFORMATION/SOFTWARE INFORMATION sections appear on EVERY email you send me. Remember to be as SPECIFIC as possible as the biggest problem is usually that the bug only appears under a very specific set of circumstances which if not reproduced exactly will not cause the bug to appear. Any work you can do at your end to further isolate the problem will be a BIG help! == START OF INFO == _____________________________________________ BUG DETAILS Program Name: DateBk4 {Insert name of program} Program Version: V-4.0c {insert current version number of program - see ABOUT dialog in OPTIONs menu} Reproducible: Y {Y-es or N-o} Previously reported: N {Y/N} ______________________________________________ USER INFORMATION Name: {Put your name here} Email: {Put your email address here - this is useful for later archiving} Computer Expertise: {Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, Expert/programmer} Datebk3/4 Experience: {New user, seasoned user, Expert/Power user} Registered User: {Y-es or N-o} ______________________________________________ HARDWARE INFORMATION Palm Model: III {Pilot/PalmPilot/III/IIIx/IIIe/V/Vx/VII/Visor/TRG/Symbol/Qualcom etc.} Memory: 8mb {512k/1mb/2mb/4mb/8mb} Special Hardware: TRG {anything special that you think is relevant} ______________________________________________ SOFTWARE INFORMATION Palm OS Version: 3.3 {from info dialog} Other 3rd party S/W: SuperNames, DatePlan, ...{List any other 3rd party apps that could conceivably be involved/affected, etc.} Hacks Loaded: AppHack, MiddleCaps Hack {List of all hacks loaded} Using Saved Views: N (N-o or Y-es}. If YES, do you have a custom startup view? {Y/N} Desktop: PC { PC, MAC, UNIX etc.) Desktop Software: Palm {MS Outlook, ACT, Ascend, Lotus Notes, etc.} Conduit Software: Palm {Intellisync, PocketMirror, DesktopToGo, EasySync, Palm, GroupSync}