Welcome to LogoManager! LogoManager is a great tool that allows you to customise virtually all aspects of your Nokia Phone - all you'll need is a suitable data cable and a Windows PC. Included in the application is a full-featured logo editor, as well as all the tools you need to edit your phone's functionality.

As well as being able to design your own graphics and ringtones, you can also use the thousands of graphics that are available at Nokia sites all over the web.

LogoManager also includes the following features:

Buying LogoManager couldn't be simpler. You can order the full version online, or by phone, fax or mail for just EUR24.95 (US $24.95).  Payment can be made using all major credit cards, as well as via other methods.

For news on LogoManager, and for product updates, please refer to the web site , or join the mailing list.

What do you want to know more about?

Which phones are supported?
Where can I buy a cable?
About the trial version
How can I register the full version?
Obtaining product updates
Frequently asked questions