It all began in a world where dragons roamed the land and knights fought with valor and honor.  

And then there was Dink.

"Mother!" Dink shouted, bursting into the small cottage he and his mother lived. "Guess what!  Milder Flatstomp has joined the King's army!  They gave him this new outfit and everything, I simply MUST join too!"
"You aren't joining anything except that corn meal - take it and go feed the pigs!"
 "Ack! I HATE PIG FARMING!  I want adventure - and that fancy armor!  Lyna will be so impressed when sh..." Dink's already ruddy glow turns a bright pink. "...well, I just want to join now," he finished lamely.
"Lyna?  You are much too young to be thinking of such things.  Think of bacon instead," Mother wisely advised.
Dink set his face determinedly. "Father would have wanted me to join."
"Your father would have wanted you to stay here with me.  You are not allowed to leave this village!"
Feed the pigs.  How humiliating!  Is this terrible existence all life had to offer?  Was throwing corn to swine the extent of adventure a young man could find?
Little did young Dink Smallwood know - in time, he would look upon these as "the good ol' days".