(PHP 4 >= 4.0.5)

SWFText -- Creates a new SWFText object.


new swftext ( void)


Tato funkce je EXPERIMENT┴LN═. To znamenß, ╛e chovßnφ tΘto funkce a jejφ nßzev, p°esn∞ji °eΦeno COKOLI, co je zde zdokumentovßno, se v budoucφch verzφch PHP m∙╛e BEZ OHL┴⌐EN═ zm∞nit. Berte to v ·vahu a pou╛φvejte tuto funkci na vlastnφ nebezpeΦφ.

swftext() creates a new SWFText object, fresh for manipulating.

SWFText has the following methods : swftext->setfont(), swftext->setheight(), swftext->setspacing(), swftext->setcolor(), swftext->moveto(), swftext->addstring() and swftext->getwidth().

This simple example will draw a big yellow "PHP generates Flash with Ming" text, on white background.

P°φklad 1. swftext() example

  $f = new SWFFont("Techno.fdb");
  $t = new SWFText();
  $t->moveTo(200, 2400);
  $t->setColor(0xff, 0xff, 0);
  $t->addString("PHP generates Flash with Ming!!");

  $m = new SWFMovie();
  $m->setDimension(5400, 3600);


  header('Content-type: application/x-shockwave-flash');