
(PHP 4 >= 4.0.2)

ingres_field_nullable -- Test if a field is nullable


bool ingres_field_nullable ( int index [, resource link])


Tato funkce je EXPERIMENT┴LN═. To znamenß, ╛e chovßnφ tΘto funkce a jejφ nßzev, p°esn∞ji °eΦeno COKOLI, co je zde zdokumentovßno, se v budoucφch verzφch PHP m∙╛e BEZ OHL┴⌐EN═ zm∞nit. Berte to v ·vahu a pou╛φvejte tuto funkci na vlastnφ nebezpeΦφ.

ingres_field_nullable() returns TRUE if the field can be set to the NULL value and FALSE if it can't.

index is the number of the field and must be between 1 and the value given by ingres_num_fields().

See also ingres_query(), ingres_fetch_array(), ingres_fetch_object(), and ingres_fetch_row().