Touch Help Using TOUCH.EXE Sometimes you'll want to force a target file to be recompiled or rebuilt even though you haven't changed it. One way to do this is to use the TOUCH utility. TOUCH changes the date and time of one or more files to the current date and time, making it "newer" than the files that depend on it. You can force MAKE to rebuild a target file by touching one of the files that target depends on. To touch a file (or files), type the following at the command prompt: touch filename [filename...] TOUCH updates the file's creation date and time. It accepts file names that contain the wildcard characters * and ?. Note Before you use TOUCH, make sure your system's internal clock is set correctly. If it isn't, TOUCH and MAKE won't work properly. TOUCH.EXE updates a file's date stamp so that it reflects your system's current time and date. Sometimes you might need to force a target to be recompiled or rebuilt even though you haven't changed its source files. One way to do this is to use the TOUCH utility to update the time stamp of one or more of the target's dependency files. To touch a file (or files), type the following at the command prompt: touch [options] filename [filename...] Because TOUCH is a 32-bit executable, it accepts long file names. In addition, you can use file names that contain the wildcard characters * and ? to "touch" more than a single file at a time. Note: Before you use TOUCH, make sure your system's internal clock is set correctly. TOUCH options TOUCH.EXE supports several command-line options: Option Description -dmm-dd-yy Sets the date of the file to the specified date. -ffilename Sets the time and date of files to match those of filename. -h Displays help information (same as typing TOUCH without options or file names). -thh:mm:ss Sets the time of the file to the specified time. -v Verbose mode, shows each file TOUCHed. Copyright 1998 Borland International.