RASDIAL95 1.1 (4/3/98) Command-line Remote Access Dialer for Windows 95 RASDIAL95 is a command-line remote access (dial-up networking) dialer for Windows 95. It's based on the RASDIAL command on Windows NT and the usage is very similar. RASDIAL95 will allow you to dial and hangup a remote access phone entry. USAGE: To dial: rasdial95 entryname [username [password]] [/DOMAIN:domain] [/PHONE:phonenumber] [/CALLBACK:callbacknumber] The entry name is the name of the icon that is in the dial-up networking folder. Enclose the entry name in double quotes if it contains spaces. If the phone number is specified, it overrides the number stored in the dial-up connection icon. To disconnect: rasdial95 [entryname] /DISCONNECT If an entry name is not specified, the first connection will be disconnected. To list connected entries: rasdial95 ERROR LEVELS: For integration into batch files, the following errorlevels are returned by RASDIAL95: 0: When dialing, errorlevel 0 is returned if the specified entry was successfully dialed or if it was already connected. When hanging up, errorlevel 0 is returned if the specified entry was successfully hanged up or if it was not connected. 1: Errorlevel 1 is returned if the dial or hangup command fails. 2: Errorlevel 2 is returned if the dial command was aborted by the user with Control-C or Control-Break. REVISION HISTORY: 1.0 (11/08/97): o Initial release 1.1 (4/3/98): o Allowed the phone number and callback number to be specified on the command line. o Added control-break handling to properly abort the dial command. Please send comments and suggestions to: Claudio Fahey