1 Personal 2 Personal with street address 3 Business 10 This message is a business card from %s. 11 Please put the information it contains in your mail program's 12 address book for future use. 14 Sender's name: %s 15 Organization: %s 16 E-mail address: %s 17 Postal address: %s 18 Street address: %s 19 Phone number: %s 20 Fax number: %s 21 Notes: %s 22 Style of card: %s 24 --- BEGIN BUSINESS CARD DATA --- 25 NA %s 26 OR %s 27 AD %s 28 PA %s 29 SA %s 30 PH %s 31 FX %s 32 NO %s 33 ST %s 34 --- END BUSINESS CARD DATA --- 1301 Send this business card out via e-mail 1302 Cancel without sending business card 1303 Get assistance